Membership, Volunteering, Sponsoring

Join the Guide Dog World!

Make the impossible possible by financially supporting Independence Dogs Austria with your membership of €60 a year.

A guide dog sitting between the legs of his handler, the text reads "Inspire Independence"

Puppy Raisers

are the crown jewels of the guide dog world. Every young puppy who is looking at a career as a guide dog needs a great puppy raiser. Independence Dog Austria covers expenses and provides coaching. If you’re interested, apply by writing us at


-a puppy

-a guide dog

-a learning adventure

Everyone interested in assistance dogs and the people they serve is encouraged to become a member of “Independence Dogs Austria”.

Volunteers are so incredibly important: Let us know if you want to b e a puppy-raiser. Or if you would like to give a retired guide dog a home. Or babysit a puppy occasionally.

The account number for Independence Dogs Austria is:

IBAN: AT16 4477 0217 7021 0000, BIC: VBOEATWWGRA


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